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When Is It Recommended to Get Sedation for Dental Procedures?

To give patients a comfortable and pain-free experience when getting certain treatments and procedures, dentists often use sedation to ensure a smooth process and successful results. Sedation comes in several forms, including nitrous oxide, also known as laughing gas, oral sedation, and IV sedation. While sedation is not typically used for regular cleanings, your dentist may recommend it during treatments like restorations, extractions, implants, and periodontics.

The Dental Specialists of NJ understand you may feel anxious before dental treatment, so we use sedation dentistry in some instances to make you feel comfortable and stress-free throughout your procedure. When determining which type is right for you, we discuss your preferences and health history to create a personalized plan. Our experienced team prioritizes your health and safety every step of the way, utilizing the latest technologies and techniques to give you the high-quality care you deserve. 

4 Treatments That May Require Sedation

Sedation is often recommended for more extensive dental work on the teeth and gums, as it keeps patients relaxed and pain-free throughout procedures. Some common treatments in which sedation would be used include the following:


Dental restorations help repair teeth if they have been damaged or broken due to tooth decay, injury, or other incident. Types of restorations include the following:

  • Fillings: Fillings repair small cavities using tooth-colored composite resin to prevent further damage.
  • Crowns: These porcelain caps cover the entire tooth in cases involving larger cavities.
  • Bridges: Bridges can replace two or more missing teeth. They typically consist of an artificial tooth with crowns on either side to secure it.

For these types of treatment, we may use mild sedation in addition to a local anesthetic for those with heightened anxiety, as the tools used can cause uncomfortable vibrations and discomfort. 


Teeth may need to be extracted for several reasons, including decay, damage, and preventative care. The level of sedation depends on how many teeth are being removed. For example, if you are getting a single tooth removed, you may only need mild sedation. However, for more extensive procedures, like wisdom teeth removal, you may need heavy sedation to be fully asleep. 


Dental implants consist of a titanium post and restoration to replace missing teeth. If your gums and jaw are strong and healthy, you may only need mild sedation to complete the procedure. However, if you need bone grafting to strengthen the jaw or multiple implants placed, heavy sedation may be necessary.


For patients with gum disease, our periodontists evaluate, diagnose, and treat your condition to prevent it from worsening or damaging other areas of your mouth and face. If you need treatments like scaling and root planing, gum grafting, or bone grafting, sedation is often recommended for a pain-free procedure. 

Seek Guidance About Sedation Dentistry From the Board-Certified Dental Specialists of NJ

If you are getting extensive dental work done or have a high level of anxiety about dental treatments, you may receive sedation to ensure a comfortable and relaxing procedure. The Dental Specialists of NJ understand the overwhelming nature of treatments like restorations, implants, and extractions, so we offer several types of sedation to meet your unique needs.

Our seasoned and skilled specialists proudly offer patients unparalleled dental care, taking the time to understand your needs and concerns. We want you to feel comfortable and safe in our offices, and with our sedation services, you can get your dream smile with no stress. To learn more about sedation dentistry and when we recommend it, call us at (908)-866-5836 or fill out our contact form.